

Alterations to buildings or sites in Stanford Research Park by ground lessees or tenants must be approved by Stanford Real Estate through our Design Review process before you seek approval from the City of Palo Alto.

What is 
Design Review?


The Design Review process encourages the long-lasting appeal of Stanford Research Park. We thrive on collaboration and recommend that you contact us early to discuss your proposed project so we can best support you. We’re happy to provide guidance on the process for approving your project.

Before you submit a Design Review application:

  • Review your lease and the Stanford Research Park Handbook for design guidelines and helpful information.
  • If you're not the building owner, we'll need a letter of approval for the proposed project from your building owner/ landlord.
  • Review the City of Palo Alto zoning code and rules and requirements from all approving agencies.


Download the electronic forms and review the process, guidelines, and standards covering design, operations, and use that must be completed by all applicants and submitted to Stanford Real Estate and the City of Palo Alto.
Design Review Submittal Form
This form must be completed by all applicants.Download
City of Palo Alto Application
The City of Palo Alto will accept your project application only upon receipt of this customized form for Stanford Research Park projects, which Stanford Real Estate must sign on your behalf.Download
Stanford Research Park Handbook
A summary of the basic aspects of the relationship among Stanford University, as ground lessor in the Stanford Research Park, you as our lessee, and your tenants, by addressing the typical questions that may arise in managing your asset.Download

Plans and Materials
To Be submitted with Package

In addition to the forms above, please submit an electronic PDF file containing:

  • Existing condition analysis, photographs, and relevant details
  • A well-developed set of architectural renderings/site photographs
  • A complete set of drawings/plans (half size, to scale) for schematic design, design development, and permit plan set/construction documents
  • All pertinent details for specific types of proposed alterations, whether related to building structure, exterior building appearance, site, hazardous materials use, or signage.
  • Please refer to the Stanford Research Park Handbook for more details.



Mark Smith,

Jessica Khojasteh,


Stanford Real Estate
415 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Mail Code 8873
Redwood City, CA 94063

Call with questions:
(650) 724-7100



Stanford Real Estate (SRE) will require a thorough, complete submittal package in order to initiate the formal Design Review process.

Once the complete Design Review package has been received, the SRE team, including the University Architect, will review and provide comments or proposed revisions. This process may take 10 business days. We may request a meeting with you and your consultant team to expedite our review and improve our ability to give feedback.

Stanford Real Estate (SRE) will require a thorough, complete submittal package in order to initiate the formal Design Review process.

Once the complete Design Review package has been received, the SRE team, including the University Architect, will review and provide comments or proposed revisions. This process may take 10 business days. We may request a meeting with you and your consultant team to expedite our review and improve our ability to give feedback.



Some projects do not require the opinion of an outside architect, such as signage. Stanford Real Estate will review monument signage projects, and either approve or return comments for revisions as quickly as we can.

EV Charger

The Bay Area has some of the highest rates of electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the country. With more people using EVs to commute than ever before, more employees are looking for convenient ways to charge up during the day. The value of workplace EV chargers is expected to only grow.  

Stanford Research Park has created this EV Charger Installation Guide to support our employers in the planning and approval process for new or additional EV chargers to your sites.
